The other evening, I spent an hour with an incredible young man who is discerning the priesthood. He has a wonderful vision of what ministry is all about and has some very good questions to ask. It was really wonderful to sit with him and give him some food for thought as he continues this journey that — I hope — will lead to ordination to the priesthood.
It is often very difficult to discern the will of God for one’s life. It would be incredibly easier if we lived in a world that is attuned to God and does everything possible to live as God wants us all to live. Unfortunately, we live in a world that has been steeped in sin from the very beginning of recorded history. Because of the awful consequences of original sin, the world is a noisy, cluttered, and often godless place.
Some people even adopt the attitude that God needs to listen to us, that He needs to hear us, that He needs to obey us. We have things so backwards. We need to learn to listen to God, to struggle to hear His voice, and to have the grace — and courage — to embrace His will for us.
Saying yes to God can be difficult but can also be a source of great joy.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for all of those who are discerning a call to priesthood, the diaconate, religious life as a sister or brother, or life as a dedicated lay minister.