Just Make Progress Today

18 Jun

“Success may require many steps. But progress only requires one.”  ~ T. Jay Taylor

When there is something that we have to get done, we often tie ourselves up in knots in an attempt to make sure that every single facet of whatever it is we are doing is accomplished.  In our minds, we tell ourselves that it doesn’t have to be worked on, it must be completed and it must be completed perfectly.  If possible, completed perfectly and quicker than others would be able to accomplish the task so that we have bragging rights to boot.

When we get into that kind of mindset, we practically set ourselves up for disappointment if not failure.  There is very little, in the long run, that can be accomplished perfectly.  To make the attempt is to add all sorts of anxiety to our lives which makes us less apt to be able to accomplish our goals.

What we need to focus upon is not that perfection that is practically impossible to achieve but, instead, simple progress.  What is wrong with making a single step in the right direction?  After all, we’re headed in the right direction and not the wrong direction.  The next attempt, we can double our steps and the time after that double again and again and so forth.  Before we know it, we are achieving leaps and bounds all because we set our sights on progress.

I have spoken to people through the years who have been disappointed with themselves regarding their spiritual lives.  They were not the perfect kinds of people that they hoped to be.  They found it difficult to give of their time, talent, and/or treasure because they stated that they did not have enough.  The problem with that is they had enough to give of themselves, just not to an infinitely perfect level.  Because they couldn’t do the infinitely perfect, though, they gave up and did nothing.

I think there are many times when God looks at us and frowns.  He is saddened by the many ways we look down upon ourselves.  He knows what we have to offer because He gave everything to us.  He wants us to open our lives and share to whatever degree we can.  That would be sufficient for Him and He would give us what we needed to bless others and, in return, receive blessings ourselves.

Don’t freeze up because you do not think you have enough to accomplish great goals.  Don’t set your sights on something that is unattainable.  Instead, attempt to make progress today in your personal lives, your work lives, and/or your spiritual lives.  Progress is good.  Take that one step toward progress today.

FAITH ACTION:  Small steps today.  Just make progress.  God will take care of the rest.