The Value Of Today

10 Jul

“One today is worth two tomorrows.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin

There is nothing wrong with having dreams, with hopes and visions of the future.  However, if we spend all of our time thinking about our tomorrows, we will never be able to live our todays to their fullest and that would be a real tragedy because, as Franklin reminds us, “One today is worth two tomorrows.”  Since tomorrow is never promised to any of us, we need to live today to its fullest.

No, there is no problem in making plans.  There is no problem in having hopes and dreams for the future.  The only problem arises when we allow our thoughts, dreams, and plans for the future to disable any functioning in our day.

We know that we all have a future.  A bright and glorious future awaits all of us because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  That future depends upon how we live our lives today.  We must live each moment for Christ so that we are in a position to say yes to His invitation to live with Him in His Kingdom.

Every day holds promise and hope.  Every day holds challenge and opportunity.  Every day, properly lived, brings us one day closer to our last day on earth and our first day in eternity.  That is why this day is worth two tomorrows because this day is the day that we get to prove our love for the Lord and our dedication to His people.  If we are given tomorrow, we would have a chance to prove that love and dedication.  Tomorrow is not promised.  Today is a reality.  We definitely have a chance to prove our love today.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.  This has always been the challenge to God’s people from the time it was written in Deuteronomy to the time Jesus spoke it to the person who asked Him what was the greatest commandment to this very day.  Rise to the challenge.  Make today count.

FAITH ACTION:  Live life to the fullest today, treasuring all that the Lord brings your way.