“Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.” ~ Garth Brooks
One of the things that is rampant in our society is a sense of entitlement. People think that they are entitled to a whole array of things: grades, jobs, sports placements, bonuses, et cetera. They’re not. We know it. Often, they know it. But they act as if they are entitled nonetheless.
That sense of entitlement often bleeds over into our spiritual lives. I can’t begin to count the number of times people have complained to me about their prayers not being answered. Their spiritual entitlement is frustrated if God doesn’t do what they want when they want. If they didn’t get what they petitioned, they pout, just like a child who pouts if Santa doesn’t bring the requested gift.
When they whine and complain, they often say that God doesn’t hear them or answer their prayers. Of course, they’re totally missing the fact that God does hear them and that, perhaps, God says “No”.
God knows what we want. God knows what we need. And God knows that if we get some of the things we want, it would not be good for us. He helps us by not answering those prayer requests. Brooks reminds us that those unanswered prayers can be some of God’s greatest gifts to us.
Think about that the next time you want to complain that God doesn’t hear you. Think about that the next time you want to complain that God didn’t give you want you wanted. Think about the fact that God loves you so much He might just be telling you no. And while you’re at it, take the time to thank God for listening to you and loving you.
FAITH ACTION: When you pray today, make sure to add, “not my will, Lord, but yours be done.”