“God gave you a fingerprint that no one else has so you can leave an imprint no one else can.” ~ Unknown
That fact of the matter is that we make imprints upon people’s lives daily. Whether for good or ill, we affect people’s lives regularly. We may not always think about that because, too often, we are thinking only of ourselves and not of others. Jesus did His best to remind us of the responsibility that we have for our brothers and sisters. It is up to us to embrace His teachings and to reach out to those around us.
We are all unique. Because of that, we have our own unique gifts and talents. There will never be another person quite like us. They may come close to us; but, they will never be exactly like us. Each of us is a one-of-a-kind creation of God.
We are, if you will, individual pieces of a puzzle created by God. If we allow our piece to go unplaced, the picture will never be complete. There will be a hole in it. That hole would represent what we did not contribute. It would be awful to think that God’s plan for creation was not carried out fully because we refused to leave our mark.
God has entrusted a piece of His plan to each and every one of us. When we make our contribution according to our own unique gifts and talents, God’s plan will be that much more splendid and complete. Do your part. Make your imprint. Let your life bring glory to God.
FAITH ACTION: Do all that you can to make a positive imprint on someone’s life today.