Within You

15 Jan

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are so many times in our lives that we get bogged down in either our history or our future.  By that, I mean that we often live in the past, lamenting decisions we have made and actions that we have taken or refused to take.  We judge ourselves by those things and tend to condemn ourselves over and over again.

Or, instead of dwelling upon our past thoughts, words, and deeds, we might focus upon our future.  Many look to the future with dread.  They fear what may come about and, because of that, do not take the steps necessary to avoid the things they fear.  They freeze in place, incapable of growth.

Lamenting the past or dreading the future will get us nowhere.  We need to live in the present.  In order to do so, we need to take a good, healthy look at ourselves.  Yes, we need to examine our past,  in order to learn from our mistakes and we need to consider the future in order to make wise and appropriate decisions.  In looking at ourselves, we need to identify our strengths as well as our weaknesses.  As we do so, we will discover much more within than we might have thought.

God gives us everything that we need to face our day.  Depend upon Him and you will not falter.

FAITH ACTION:  In quiet prayer, ask God to give you the grace to look deep within yourself and see the beauty that lies therein.