Who Loves You?

21 Nov

“You see, with God, there is no time.  Yesterday, today, and tomorrow all belong to Him, right now.  And He’s willing to give it all to you this instant, if you’ll accept it.”  ~ Tess, Forget Me Not

My heart broke six years ago when I heard the news that Della Reese of Touched By An Angel had passed away.  She played a stern but loving “case worker” angel who was in charge of Monica, an apprentice angel.  The series got off to a slow start and was almost canceled until it gained momentum and a huge following.  It went on for several seasons.

Each episode sought to reassure someone that God was very present to His people.  Reese’s character would regularly remind people that “God loves you, baby!”  She said it with such sincerity that you just wanted to believe.

As I reflected upon her character and the series, I thought to myself that we are all supposed to be like her character.  Of course, we cannot effect the kinds of things that she did — after all, she was an angel.  But, in our own ways, we can effect miracles on a daily basis by reminding people that God loves them and inviting them to embrace God so completely that they can be renewed.

God’s love is a wonderful miracle and each time we can reconnect someone to that love we will be doing the same job as the angels in Touched By An Angel.  Their “job description”, if you will, was encapsulated in the theme song, I Will Walk With You:
When you walk down the road
Heavy burden, heavy load
I will rise and I will walk with you
Walk with you
Until the sun don’t even shine
Walk with you
I’ll be there all the time
I tell you I’ll walk with you

FAITH ACTION:  Share the Good News with someone today and let them know that they are incredibly loved by God.