“If you are what you should be, then you will set the world on fire.” ~ St. Catherine of Siena
We celebrate Catholic Schools Week this week. As we do so, each day is a different celebration experience for our students. Today, we celebrate vocations. As a way of doing so, we will share reflections with the the students from priests, deacons, religious (Nuns) & seminarians. The 3rd & 4th grade will tour the church & sacristy. In addition, students will write/draw thank you notes for priests, deacons & seminarians.
Ascertaining one’s vocation is critically important. Vocation comes from Latin and means to call. We know that we are called by God to a certain walk of life. Some are called to give their lives in Church vocations. Others are called to give their lives in service professions. Some are called to marriage. Others are called to remain dedicated single persons. Each, in answering his or her call finds fulfillment in life.
Will life have difficulties if we answer God’s call? Of course. That’s the “nature of the beast”. We live in an imperfect world and that means that we might be subject to trials. But if we are doing what God calls us to do, we will find fulfillment and happiness.
FAITH ACTION: Ask God what He wants you to do in this life and ask, as well, for the grace to embrace your vocation, whatever it may be.