“New Years Resolution comes in many forms. People wanting to get rid of bad habits, or develop a good habit. Why not begin by what matters most with our faith in the Lord?” ~ Jonathan Hayashi
Today’s quote dovetails with yesterday’s quote from Bob Hope. He asked why we don’t love every day instead of just at Christmas. Today, Hayashi turns our attention to New Year’s Resolutions. We are all very familiar with those, especially on this New Year’s Eve.
Resolutions come in many forms. People almost always make resolutions regarding their health. They decide that they are going to lose weight and engage in other healthy activities such as walking, bike riding, swimming, joining a health club, et cetera. Others make resolutions regarding their mental or emotional health. They plan to take days off more faithfully or go on vacations to rejuvenate themselves.
All that is good, Hayashi would agree. But what often gets left out, what matters most he would say, is matters regarding our faith in the Lord. Shouldn’t we resolve to live better as Christians? Shouldn’t we resolve to pray more, to read the bible more, to attend Mass more regularly? Those are all things that matter most in Hayashi’s opinion.
On this day, the Feast of the Holy Family, I would daresay that family matters as well. Perhaps some of our resolutions should revolve around family. Maybe we should be in contact with other family members more often. Maybe we need to forgive other family members rather than holding grudges. Maybe we need to visit and/or care for family members.
God put us in our families for a reason. Yes, I understand, not all of our families are ideal. But, then again, neither are we. Take a good look at yourself and your relationship with your family and ask God to help you make some good, wise decisions regarding them for the upcoming year.
FAITH ACTION: Make sure your resolutions take in the things that matter most.