“Filthy water cannot be washed.” ~ African Proverb
Yesterday, we experienced something quite amazing. Early in the morning, the street sweepers came onto out property to sweep the parking lot of all the debris left behind by the festival. That is something that typically takes place on the Tuesday after festival. On Monday, the tents all come down and the rides and vendor trailers are removed from the property. That leaves behind a lot of “stuff”. That is why we have the street sweepers come in on Tuesday.
What usually doesn’t happen, however, is for a thorough washing of our property. That happened yesterday morning. Not ten minutes after the sweepers left our grounds, the rains came. They didn’t just come, they poured. Our parking lot was inundated with rain. It was flowing like a river for a while. And, when the rains ended, the lot was so clean you could not tell that a festival had taken place.
Water does that. It cleanses. It nourishes. It sustains life. It is an incredible gift.
This morning’s Gospel reminds us that we are salt of the earth and light for the world. We cannot allow ourselves to become useless, lest we be cast aside. We must be a useful as the life giving waters that we so often experience. We must be as flavorful as the salt that we use and often take for granted. We must be a light that can penetrate the darkness of another person’s spirit.
The elements are so very important to us and yet we often take them for granted. God made us who we are for a reason. That reason was not for our own glory. God made us to glorify Him. We have our mission. Let us go out and enhance our world today.
FAITH ACTION: Ask God to give you the grace and prompting that you need to be salt and light for those around you.