Who indeed is the victor over the world
but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? (1 Jn 5:5)
Last year, a great victory came about for so many people in the Chicago area. After all, after thousands of years — okay, maybe I’m exaggerating (just a little) — the Chicago Cubs finally won the World Series.
The joy and celebration that went on at that event was quite prolonged. “At long last”, many said, the victory was finally “ours”. They recounted the suffering and the struggles of the last many years. They recounted the curse of the goat. They recounted all the times they “got this close” to winning only to fail.
For those fans, it felt good. Really good.
Imagine the joy that took place when a people who waited for victory for thousands of years finally saw it come about in the person of Jesus Christ. They believed that He “was the one” for whom they waited for generations.
After He was taken from them and nailed to a cross, they felt utterly devastated. Perhaps, they thought, he was not the one.
And then, on the third morn, He rose from the dead.
Yes, indeed, victory was won. Victory was theirs.
That victory would not have come about had not the Child been born to us on Christmas morn. As we continue the Christmas season for a few more days, cherish the sweet moment of victory won for us and the innocence of the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes, laying in the manger.
FAITH ACTION: In prayer this day, thank God for the victory won for you. Ask Him to help you show your appreciation by a life well lived.