“The veterans of our military services have put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They have dedicated their lives to their country and deserve to be recognized for their commitment.” ~ Judd Gregg
Tomorrow, Sunday, September 24th, there will be a Victory for Veterans Ride in our community. Each year, a procession of motorcycles that lasts about an hour ties up traffic from Wicker Park, down Ridge Road and Calumet Avenue, all the way to US 30. Many people complain about this annual ride and the havoc it creates. I know that it causes problems for us as it usually takes place during the time that our Noon Mass begins. It is difficult for some people to get to our church because the roads are tied up.
My response to this? Hey, they are honoring Veterans. If the ride causes a bit of havoc, so be it. Our veterans are certainly worth an hour’s inconvenience once a year.
Being committed to something is a lost art. Commitment, generally, is a thing of the past. It is hard to find people truly committed to things, ideals, or people nowadays. That is one of the reasons that marriages often do not last. People seem to be missing the ability or desire to commit.
We know that commitment is extremely important if anything is to be accomplished over a period of time. Commitment to our spiritual life is extremely crucial as well. Without the ability or desire to commit to our relationship to the Lord, we will quickly go astray.
Let us be thankful that there are people who are so committed to the ideal of liberty as to offer up their own lives in our service. Some veterans have given a significant amount of their lives so that we can say and do what we do in peace. Some have given the ultimate by laying down their lives for us.
Commitment. Courage. Resolve. Conviction. These attributes are what make a people and a nation strong. As we honor our veterans tomorrow in an annual motorcycle ride, let us remember to be committed to our spiritual lives as well. Giving our all to God will make this world a better place to live even as it brings us incredibly closer to Him.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for all veterans, especially those who suffer physically, emotionally, or spiritually due to their service.