To Whom Shall We Go?

29 Jun

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”  ~ St. Peter (Jn 6:68–69)

Today is the celebration of the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, two very different persons yet both called to proclaim the Good News in their day and age.  Peter was the apostle who went out to the Jews and Paul was the apostle who went out to the Gentiles.

Even though their backgrounds and approaches were different, each felt a passion about getting the news of Jesus out into their world.

You and I are called to proclaim the Word of God as well.  We may be radically different, may have come from different backgrounds, cultures, practices, et cetera.  Yet, we are called by Jesus to continue His mission in our own world.

May we have the courage of the apostles today as we take the words of Jesus Christ to our fellow men and women!

FAITH ACTION:  In prayer this day, ask the Lord to give you the grace that you need to go into the world and tell the Good News.