“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” ~ Helen Keller
This quote has always fascinated me because it comes from Helen Keller and, well, she couldn’t see. She was blind, deaf, and mute yet she never allowed those conditions to stop her once her world was opened up by Anne Sullivan. Once Keller learned to express and communicate her feelings, her world changed dramatically.
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” That is so profoundly true. When you keep your face to the sunshine, the sun warms you and fills you with hope. Shadows flee at the sight of the sun and all is made clear. This is also true if we keep our face to the Sonshine.
When the light of the Son of God shines on us, shadows have no choice but to flee. Too many people live under the shadow of sin and death. Sin always leads to death. There is no way that sin can lead one to life. When we allow the light of Christ into our world the darkness of sin has no choice but to flee.
We have been reminded by great saints throughout the ages that if we die in the darkness of sin, we are in jeopardy of being separated from God for all eternity. However, if we die in the light of Christ, we will be able to see our way clearly to the Kingdom.
On one hand we have darkness, death, and cold. On the other, we have light, life, and warmth. Which would you prefer not only today but for all eternity? If you want the latter, make sure that you turn keep your face turned to the Sonshine.
FAITH ACTION: Do your best to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord today so that He may be your guide.