O God, I will sing a new song to you;
with a ten stringed lyre I will chant your praise,
You who give victory to kings,
and deliver David, your servant from the evil sword. (Ps 144:9-10)
We are fast approaching the end of our liturgical year. Tomorrow, November 20th, is the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following Sunday we begin the Season of Advent.
Because we are coming close to the end of the year, our readings and gospels are focusing more and more on the end of time. They picture destruction and ruin. That is our future if we do not embrace the Lord.
However, if we follow the Lord, He will be on our side and deliver us. Destruction and ruin does not have to be our future. They do not even have to be a concern. We can face our future confidently if we remain faithful to our God.
Sometimes ruin appears to be all around us. I am thinking about all those people in our country — in New York, specifically, at the present time — who are facing ruin because of the devastating snows. Yet, even in their predicament, they have been brought great hope by those who have gone out to help them.
God created us not to be alone but to be a communal people. It is when we are meeting the needs of others that we are truly at our best.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for the victims of the snowy weather in so many parts of our country. Pray, as well, for those who have no shelter from the brutal cold gripping so much of our country, that they may be provided a respite from the cold.