Blessed is the one whose fault is taken away,
whose sin is covered.
Blessed the man to whom the LORD imputes not guilt,
in whose spirit there is no guile.
R./ Lord, forgive the wrong I have done. (Ps 32:1-2)
“I have sinned against the Lord.”
“Lord, forgive the wrong I have done.”
“So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great love.”
It is very safe to say that our readings today speak to us about (1) the fact that we are sinners and that (2) with the Lord, there is forgiveness.
Sorrow, contrition, repentance, these are all the hallmarks of a person who is a true believer. We realize that, when we fail to love, we hurt others by our sins.
As we make that realization, we are called to repent.
The other hallmark of a believer?
The woman in the Gospel is forgiven her sins because she has shown great love.
Let us be mindful of our sinfulness today and let us love one another as Christ calls us to love.
As we continue the Year of Mercy, I want to remind you that an additional opportunity to go to Confession is being made available to you every Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Our parish has been designated as one of the places in the diocese to go in order to receive the indulgence for the Year of Mercy. The other places in our deanery for the indulgence and confessions are the Salvatorian Fathers in Merrillville, the Carmelite Fathers on Ridge Road (both available for confessions any time you may wish), and Holy Name Church in Cedar Lake.
FAITH ACTION: When was the last time you truly asked the Lord for forgiveness, particularly in the Sacrament of Reconciliation? At the very least, examine your conscience and make a good Act of Contrition this day. In addition, seek pardon from another who you may have hurt.