“How can God stoop lower than to come and dwell with a poor humble soul? Which is more than if he had said, such a one should dwell with him; for a beggar to live at court is not so much as the king to dwell with him in his cottage.” ~ William Gurnall
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly is an old Polish Carol, translated in 1920 by Edith Margaret Gellibrand Reed (As appears in Carols for Choirs, Book 1 and 100 Carols for Choirs). Its verses are simple and, yet, so profound: “Infant holy, Infant lowly, For His bed a cattle stall; Oxen lowing, Little knowing Christ the Babe is Lord of all.”
Gurnal puzzles the same thing in today’s quote, “How can God stoop lower than to come and dwell with a poor humble soul?” He can’t. An all-powerful God stooping to become a human being is about as low as one could stoop. Yet, God does precisely that each and every day with each and every one of us. Ponder that for a while!
God loves us. Let’s get real personal since this day is ultimately personal: God loves you. He loved you so much that He sent His Son for you. His Son loved you so much that He died for you. What better thing can you do than to celebrate His birthday today.
The best way to accomplish that celebration is with others because, after all, you are not the only person that He came to save. He came to save us all and He desires that all of us draw together into one family. Perhaps, this day, we can be mindful of those who have to celebrate Christmas alone.
Alone is a lonely place to be on such a day as this. If you know of someone alone in your neighborhood, consider inviting them over or, at the very least, taking something to them and wishing them a Merry Christmas.
To all of you who read these reflections for the past four weeks, thank you. I wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas. May the mystery of the Incarnation fill your hearts with joy!
FAITH ACTION: Cherish the Christmas moment by celebrating with family and friends and praying for the poor and the needy.