“Hide not your talents, they for use were made,
What’s a sundial in the shade?”
~ Benjamin Franklin
Today, our student production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Jr. begins. It begins with a morning show for our student body and then the first public performance this evening. Tomorrow morning we will host students from area schools in the morning and then have another evening performance. On Saturday, we have an evening performance and Sunday an afternoon matinee. In those four days, the students will host six performances.
The energy level among the students is always really high during the performances. Everyone involved has a specific role, whether it be as actor, stage hand, lighting and sound crew, or house, they all know their jobs and carry them out enthusiastically.
I always think that if we could bottle the energy exuded in those few days and sell it, we would be multimillionaires. Instead, we just sit back and enjoy the shows and thank God for the incredible talent with which He has blessed the students.
I am also thankful that the students had the courage to use the talents with which they had been blessed. Because we all know, there are those who do not utilize their gifts. They are like the people who light their lamps and then put them under baskets. No. Our students shine by letting their light show.
Thus it should be with us. God has gifted each and every one of us with incredible sets of talents. Some are enthusiastically accepted and used. Some are grudgingly accepted and used. Some are barely used. Some are squandered.
God did not gift us in order to have our gifts left unused. He gifted us in order to enhance the world. We are called to accept our gifts and go out into our world as enthusiastically as our students will take to the stage.
Go out today and brighten the world today!
FAITH ACTION: Ask God to give you the grace and discernment necessary to recognize the talents with which you have been blessed and for the courage to utilize your talents completely.