“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” ~ Charles M. Schulz
There are many people who “pack it all up” shortly after Christmas day. It may be because they have anticipated Christmas ever since Thanksgiving and are now tired of it. It may be that the New Year is fast approaching and, with it, thoughts of other things to do. However, Christmas is still in full swing. Liturgically, we celebrate Christmas on the day itself and through an entire octave. Today is the fifth day in the Octave of Christmas.
We have talked about how Christmas is all about love. Many families gather together at Christmas time, sharing a meal and stories from the past. They look ahead and plan family events. They remark how family members have grown and matured. They settle down with one another in a blissful peace. In all of that, they do things for one another. They may not be big things. They may be little things, little something extras.
That is what the Christmas season is all about, doing those little something extras for others. For many, Christmas may be a season of excess. They may have plenty of food, clothing, and gifts. For others, however, Christmas may be an extension of their everyday lives: a time of want and need. In doing for others during this season, we can brighten the days and lives of other people. We can be Christ for them in their need and show them that Christmas truly is a season of love.
“Little somethings” are easy to do. Anyone can accomplish a little something. That is what makes the season so special and so easy. If we think that we need to do something big, we will easily grind to a halt. Something big takes too much time. It takes too much planning. It takes too much energy. But something little? A quick smile? A note of appreciation? A small gift unlooked for? Those kinds of things quickly add up for the one receiving them and they are easy to accomplish for the one doing them.
I often suggest that to people. When they mention that they are having problems with their families or when younger people say that they have not been very good toward their parents, I often suggest that they do something for the other people in their lives to let them know what they truly think about them. I tell them that it doesn’t have to be big enough to make the evening news. It should be something that speaks to the other person of their love for them.
“It’s the little things that count.” I have heard that mentioned throughout my entire life. I used to think it was a stupid saying. However, as I got older, I began to realize the infinite wisdom in that saying. It truly is the little things that count. The little things are generally surprises and they can make all the difference to a person’s day and to a person’s life.
FAITH ACTION: It doesn’t have to be big or newsworthy. Simply spread some Christmas cheer to others today.