“At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the Season of Advent by loving and serving others with God’s own love and concern.” ~ St. Teresa of Calcutta
Advent is that season that prepares us for the celebration of Christmas. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of society, Advent is overshadowed by the commercial aspects of Christmas. Are all the Christmas cards addressed and sent? Are all the gifts purchased and wrapped? Has the house been cleaned? Has the shopping been done for get-togethers with family and/or friends? Have the cookies been baked? How many items have I forgotten for my to-do list?! And the list goes on and on.
If we allow our preparation for Christmas to be consumed by the commercial, we will become incredibly tense and may find ourselves becoming more aloof. The stress of the season will keep us away from people which is the direct opposite of the goal of the season to draw closer to others.
How can we care for the needs of others if we do not draw closer to them? How can we care about their plight if we wall ourselves up?
Mother Teresa wanted her followers to have warm hearts, hearts dedicated to serving the Jesus in other people. She never saw a leper or a dying person lying in a street gutter. She saw Jesus. She never saw an emaciated child or a lonely orphan. She saw Jesus. Seeing Jesus, she reached out to Him and provided for His need.
In serving others, we help our hearts to be alive with the love of God. In serving others, the season of Advent opens our hearts up to the reality that God is all around us and that we are never alone.
FAITH ACTION: In all your planned Advent preparations, make sure to have a service component so that you may bring hope to others as you long for hope for yourself.