Self First, Then Others

10 Oct

“If you want to support others you have to stay upright yourself.”  ~ Peter Heg

So often, we talk about “the mission”.  We tell others — and ourselves — that we have to be on mission, that we have to care for others, that we have to look out for each other and care for the needs of all.  And, yes, that is all well and good.  However, when we talk about all, we need to remember that we belong to that group.

I have seen people through the years who have felt quite discouraged because they could not take care of the needs of others.  The reason for that was quite simple:  they were overwhelmed with things going on in their own lives or in the lives of loved ones.  They were tired, distraught, or depressed.  They had nothing left inside to give.  And they felt guilty about that.

Their first priority in those moments was to take care of themselves.  We cannot care for others if we are not in the right frame of mind.  We cannot be in the right frame of mind if we do not place care of self on our to-do list.  Actually, it should not only be on our list, it should be at the top of our to-do list.

When we have tended to our own spiritual needs, when we have taken care of ourselves, there will be an abundance of energy available to focus upon others.  We will be able to see their needs and to respond to them.  We will be able to be the support that they need.  We will be able to do a world of good for them.

If we want to do a world of good for others, if we want to be there for others, if we want to provide for others, we have to make sure that we have taken care of ourselves first.  Then, and only then, will we be able to stand firm and be the rock of strength that they need.  What will you do to take care of yourself today?

FAITH ACTION:  Make sure that you take care of your own spiritual needs today so that you will be able to care for others.