Remember that your compassion, O Lord,
and your kindness are from of old.
In your kindness remember me,
because of your goodness, O Lord. (Ps 25:6,7bc)
One of the things that the holidays are known for is the bringing to mind, the remembering, of family and friends we might not see on a regular occasion. When we bring them to mind, we remember all the things that we used to do together, all the ways that they were and are important to us, and all the ways that they make us feel like “family”.
Not only do we bring people to mind, they bring us to their mind as well. Oftentimes, they let us know that in phone calls, emails, or cards and letters. When we hear from someone who means a lot to us, we feel really good. We are grateful that they took the time for us. We are happy that we were able to relive some of the “old times”.
In that same vein, we ask God to remember us. We know that we are special in God’s sight but there are times that we feel as if we are far from God.
If we feel that way, it is probably because we have separated ourselves from God rather than God had drifted from us. God never leaves His people. He is always there.
We need — and count — on God’s love and compassion as well as His mercy. We know that we have often wandered from God and we beg Him to “take us back”. This season of Advent is all about returning to God. Let us heed the prophet’s cry to prepare the way for the Lord yet again today. Make straight His paths!
FAITH ACTION: With a slew of communal penance services available to us this week, today, make a good examination of conscience so that you will be ready to confess the ways that you have strayed from His path. Then, make a firm resolve to go to confession sometime before Christmas.