Jesus said to the Jews:
“Amen, amen, I say to you,
whoever keeps my word will never see death.” (Jn 8:51)
Death, for many people, is a frightening reality.
Make no mistake about it. It IS a reality. But, it does not have to be frightening.
I bury people all the time.
I see families and friends throughout the entire gamut of grief at funerals. Some angry, some sad, some depressed, some confused, some relieved, some happy, and some frightened. At wakes and funerals, we come face to face with our own future as well as grieving the loss of a loved one.
We have wanted to “escape” death throughout recorded history. Some people have gone to great lengths to do so, even having themselves placed in suspended animation rather than concede to the ultimate reality of death.
Jesus said, “Whoever keeps my word will never see death.” Many of those who heard Him say that thought that He was crazy. How can anyone escape death? How can anyone ensure eternal life?
However, Jesus can. He escaped death and He ensures everlasting life. I know that is a lot for some people to believe. But, if we place all of our faith and trust in the Lord, we will be rewarded.
Death is not the “ultimate reality”. Death is merely the entrance to eternal life. We close our eyes to this world and open our eyes to the new and eternal world into which we will be called. Therefore, it becomes crucial to keep the Lord’s word so that we will not have to see death but will, instead, see eternal life.
Remain steadfast in your faith. You will be rewarded.
FAITH ACTION: The faith of many people waver when they face hardship or even death. Pray that they may be steadfast and rely on God to deliver them into eternal life.