On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
the disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Where do you want us to prepare
for you to eat the Passover?” (Mt 26:17)
The Passover was a a very tricky proposition for the disciples. They knew that there were many influential people out to get Jesus. They worried about Him — and about themselves. After all, what would happen to them if Jesus were done away with?
We are preparing to commemorate those terrible days in which Jesus was arrested, condemned, crucified, and buried.
We are preparing, as well, to commemorate — with joy — the glorious resurrection of Jesus.
Because of that, we enter the next few days with much less dread.
However, our world still weighs upon us.
It tries to tell us that our Lord is not wanted.
It lets us know that we are not wanted if we are going to follow the Lord.
It forces us to make choices each day.
Sadly, many opt for the ways of the world rather than for the ways of the Lord.
During these final hours of Lent, fortify yourself!
FAITH ACTION: The disciples looked toward the Passover with a certain amount of dread. Let us anticipate the Triduum with joy.