“If you are thinking positive during negative times, you’ve already won.” ~ Unknown
What is one of the attributes of successful people? They are always thinking positively. They will acknowledge obstacles that might lie in their path but they do not view them as stumbling blocks. They view them as opportunities.
We all know people like that and we might even envy people like that. However, each of us can be just like them. We do not have to wallow in negativity. We can embrace positivity. If we do so, our days and our lives will take on a much better outlook.
That sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, we keep forgetting to factor in an important aspect: human nature. Our tainted human nature, it seems, tends to gravitate toward the negative. It tends to be suspicious. It tends to be defeatist. It is hard to be positive when we overwhelm ourselves with a defeatist attitude.
It’s hard, but not impossible. While we might forget to factor in our human nature, we forget, even more on many an occasion, to factor in our loving God. God is with us every moment of every day of our lives. He is there for us if just ask for His aid. He can help us rise above the things that keep us down. Turn to Him today.
FAITH ACTION: Ask God for the grace to be positive throughout the day.