If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good,
this is a grace before God.
For to this you have been called,
because Christ also suffered for you,
leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps. (1 Pt 2:20b-21)
Those are two words that we would rather not have in our vocabulary and that we most certainly do not want to be required of us.
Human beings are hardly patient people. Nor are we people who like to suffer. Therefore, we find it especially distasteful and frustrating to suffer for doing something good. That just seems too unfair.
However, that is often the way of our world.
If we do good, we are pleasing the Lord.
If we are pleasing the Lord, we are displeasing the evil one and the world which is steeped in sin.
If we displease the world, it will do everything that it can to get us, to hurt us, to make us change our mind and shun the good.
Armed with that knowledge, though, we should be thankful that we are being called to share in the suffering of Christ, who was rejected by the world as well. Standing by Jesus’ side and embracing His will, God will never let us down. He will be with us in times of our suffering and give us the strength, grace, and courage that we need to be living witnesses to Him.
FAITH ACTION: Pray for the grace needed to endure suffering for doing good. Pray, as well, for others who are persecuted for doing God’s will.
A Mother’s Day Blessing
Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church. Bless our mothers, that they may be strengthened. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect.