“In truth, I have done nothing alone. God has called me and has been my pilot. The Holy Spirit has been my comforter, my guide, and my power source.” ~ Reinhard Bonnke
Truth, indeed. We never do anything alone when we are trying our best to live as witnesses of Jesus Christ. We never do anything alone because God is with us, at our side, and pouring His Holy Spirit into us. That Spirit is what gives us the wherewithal to meet the world head-on without being defeated.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit — wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord — are available to us by virtue of our Baptisms and in a fuller measure after the reception of our Confirmations. It is that Spirit, poured out throughout the ages, that we implore in a special way this morning to come down upon the eighth grade members of our parish school and our parish religious education program.
We know how difficult it is to attempt to do things on our own. The living of our spiritual lives never has to be one of those times, however. We never have to worry about walking alone. We thank God for being at our side and ask God to be gracious and generous to our confirmandi.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
FAITH ACTION: Kindly pray for the eighth graders in our parish who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this morning that they may always be open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, their power source.