“Every year, August lashes out in volcanic fury, rising with the din of morning traffic, its great metallic wings smashing against the ground, heating the air with ever-increasing intensity.” ~ Henry Rollins
One thing is certain, no one around here will be singing Frank Loesser’s song, “Baby, it’s cold outside” anytime in the near future. We all know what August means: heat, the beginning of school, heat, the end of summer vacations, heat, the shifting of seasons and, did I mention, heat.
That is certain. It is predictable. There seems to be no getting around it. So, we find ourselves preparing for it.
When August comes around, parents begin the back-to-school purchasing for clothes and supplies. Families take last-minute vacations. Students rush to finish their summer packets given to them before school let out for the summer. There is so much to do to prepare for what is to come.
It is that way in our faith lives as well.
There are predictable seasons that speak to us about preparation. The liturgical seasons — Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter, Advent, and Christmas — help us to prepare for the glories of certain feasts. They also remind us of a greater reality: the fact that one day our season on earth shall pass.
Jesus constantly reminded His people to live in readiness. They were to be prepared for His coming, which He described as a thief in the night. That frightens some people, usually because they do not live their lives as they should. If we lived our lives in readiness, we would have no reason to worry or fear.
But, let’s face it, there are so many distractions in this world that we often take our eyes off of the prize of eternity and, instead, gaze at the “prizes” offered to us by the world. We become so enamored by the things of this world that we forget to prepare for eternity.
It is very much like the student who goes home for the summer and does not open the summer packet until two days before school. Major panic sets in as that student scrambles to get things done.
We could wait and live in panic, fear, dread, and anxiety or we could do something each day to prepare for the day that God calls us home. Personally, I do not like panic and anxiety. I would rather be ready. It’s easier to do than one might think. Pray each day. Try to do good for others. Look for signs of God all around you and respond to those signs with thankful praise.
FAITH ACTION: Ask yourself if you are ready for the Lord’s call. If not, determine what you need to do and then get busy doing it.