There was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias,
and the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.”
He answered, “Here I am, Lord.” (Acts 9:10)
There are so many times in our lives when we do not want to say to God, “Here I am, Lord.” Today’s first reading would definitely be one of those times. The reading opens up talking about “Saul, breathing murderous threats” against the Christians as he was on the hunt. He wanted to arrest and do away with as many Christians as he could. He had the means, method, and authority to do so. He had accounted for everything.
Everything, that is, except for God.
On the way to Damascus, he was struck from his horse. A dazzling light appeared, a thunderous voice boomed, and he found himself blinded. He was instructed by the Lord to go into the city to search for a man named Ananias.
Meanwhile, Ananias received a vision that he is to minister to a man named Saul. Ananias was beside himself. He tried to remind the Lord that Saul was the enemy. Ananias was fearful for his life. God insisted that Ananias go to Saul.
So he did. He met Saul, ministered to him, and Saul’s eyesight returned. After that, Ananias taught the faith to Saul and Saul became a changed man and a staunch defender of Christianity under his new name: Paul.
Have you felt the Lord calling you to do something? Are you frightened of the consequences of listening to the Lord? Have no fear. If He asks you to do something, He will supply all that you need.
FAITH ACTION: Take some time to think about what it is you might be leaving undone. Does a task frighten you? Are you reluctant to volunteer to help others? Ask the Lord for His strength and grace to help you accomplish what is being asked of you.