“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” I Pt 4:10
Members of St. Thomas More’s Stewardship Commission are speaking at all the Masses this weekend to promote and support Ministry Sunday which is also known as Stewardship Sunday. If you’re a part of a Ministry here at St. Tom’s, they thank you. If you’re not a part of a Ministry, they invite you to be a Steward of your Faith and Church.
When your time comes when you meet God and He Asks: “What have you done with the gifts I have given you?” How will you respond?
God has given gifts to all of us to do well for ourselves and others. It is our responsibility in maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God has bestowed.
Jesus teaches us in Matthew Chapter 10 versus 7-15, “without cost you have received; without cost you are to give”.
God has bestowed on us our talents and treasures and Jesus teaches us to love one another and to lovingly share our talents and treasures with others so that we may be one with Jesus. Being a Steward of the Lord is also being a Disciple of Jesus.
At the end of each Mass we attend, we hear “Go in Peace glorifying the Lord by your Life.” What better way to glorify the Lord by being a good Steward of the Lord and being a loving Disciple of Jesus.
Again, if you’re not a Steward of a Parish Ministry, please consider joining one and gain fulfillment of community and fellowship with other parishioners. If you’re already a member of a Ministry, please invite others you may know who would be interested in being a member.
If you know of someone who is reserved and shy but may be a good fit for a Ministry, please personally invite them to join your Ministry.
All around the church are banners of the Ministries we have here at St. Tom’s. The Ministries range from Altar Servers to our Parish Garden Ministry. There will be representatives from the Ministries by their banners. If you have any questions about joining a ministry, please ask.
We are distributing updated Ministry Directories today along with the Stewardship sponsored Lenten Books. With Valentine’s Day coming up this week, please open your hearts to hear Christ’s call for you.
FAITH ACTION: Make time to live your faith as fervently as possible.