“Memory takes a lot of poetic license. It omits some details; others are exaggerated, according to the emotional value of the articles it touches, for memory is seated predominantly in the heart. The interior is therefore rather dim and poetic.”
~Tennessee Williams
I know that memory is seated predominantly in the heart and I know that some details are greatly enhanced based upon emotional value. Today is one of those days for me. My grandmother, had she been alive, would have been 128 today.
Whenever anyone uses the word “grandma” or any of its derivatives, I get all emotional inside because I have nothing but the best memories of my grandmother. I have wonderful memories of my grandfather as well, though he died when I was very young (four years old). My grandmother did not pass away until 1992, thus ensuring many years of memories.
When we used to visit, we could be assured of two things: food and money. She always had a stocked larder filled with freshly baked bacon buns and homemade bread. She also had other baked treats and made us a meal as well. As we were leaving, she always pressed money in our hands and told us to “go have fun”. Whenever we saw her, it was like looking at a human personification of love itself.
Shortly before I was ordained a deacon, she insisted upon purchasing my chalice for me. She wanted to be the one to gift me with a chalice and she wanted me to get it before diaconate because she was sure she would not be alive for my ordination. She couldn’t be more wrong about that. She made it many years into my priesthood.
When she moved in with my parents as she became elderly and needed more assistance, she was still a picture of love and she taught us that there was nothing wrong with admitting weakness and needing help from others. We took care of her until she passed away at the age of 102.
I am convinced that God has put someone like my grandmother into every one of our lives. That person may be a family member, a best friend, a teacher, a child, or a spouse. Whoever that person is/was, we have found ourselves greatly blessed and have come to know what love is all about. Now, here’s the fun part: As great as that person is, as much as that person taught us, as much as that person loved us? Just multiply that by billions and billions and you will be able to anticipate the overwhelming love of God.
God gives us special people so that we might be ready for Him. Isn’t God wonderful?!
FAITH ACTION: Sit with the Lord today and spend some time sifting through the wonderful memories that He has given to you through the special people He has placed in your life.