“I don’t know when my time on earth will be up; but I do know that today, I am one day closer. You can bet I’m going to make this day count! Will you?” ~ Dr. Steve Maraboli
There is a hard reality that some people do not want to think about or accept: we are all born with an expiration date. We are all mortal and we are all going to die. Some people live trying to beat that truth. They have tried to discover things such as the fountain of youth or a pill that would keep us from dying. It’s not going to happen.
Rather than living in denial, we need to accept the fact of our mortality and make every day count. Each day, we should look upon the gift of life given to us by God and we should do our best to return it to Him well-lived. If we can make each day, each moment, count, that would be a wonderful gift to God.
There’s no reason to be morose about it. There’s no reason to be frightened, either. After all, Jesus destroyed death and restored life for us by His death on the cross and resurrection three days later. We are all invited to participate in that by virtue of our own baptisms.
So, hold firm. Life boldly. Turn the gift of each day into a wonderful gift to God by making the day count for good.
FAITH ACTION: Live as if this is your final day and make every moment of this day count.