“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” ~ Anthony J. D’Angelo
It has been cold, dreary, and wet as well as hot, dry, and humid the past couple of weeks. This is the time of year and kind of weather that people generally tend to moan about more than at other times. Sinuses bother a lot of people, arthritis flairs up, moods deteriorate, and some people just lose their sunny dispositions. But, it does not have to be that way.
The weather does not dictate our days, we do.
If we want to be cheerful, there is nothing stopping us. Dark days, cool weather, rain, and the like cannot dampen the heart of someone who wishes to be cheerful. It truly is up to us how we are going to face our day.
Is today a day of promise for you or a day of dread? Are you going to allow weather to bring you down? Are you going to allow the dispositions of others to affect your day? Or, are you going to bring a ray of sunshine into the day of those who might have allowed darkness and dreariness to affect them?
It is always better to affect the world for good rather than for ill.
FAITH ACTION: Take a positive attitude with you into whatever you do today.