“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” ~
If you think about that statement, you have to agree. Writing is more difficult for a writer than it is for others because a writer is going to do everything possible to make sure that his or her writing is perfect or as close to perfection as it can get. A person who is not a writer will not care if sentences end with prepositions, if tenses do not match, if infinitives are split, if sentences run on, or any number of other writing rules. A non-writer will simply write what he or she wants to write and leave it at that.
The writer will do all that can be done to ensure that the text is the best possible. After ensuring that, the writer will go over the material again. And again. The writer will give the material to a proofreader and other people on staff. A writer will vet the material to make sure that there are no inaccuracies. After submitting the work, the writer will fret that there might be a mistake that was not caught. The writer will also worry that the reader will not fully appreciate the content being presented.
In short, a writer’s work is never done. A non-writer’s work is scribbled down and forgotten.
Okay. Let’s play a game that I employ every so often in these reflections. It is time to look at what I have just written and to scratch out every instance of “writer”. In it’s place, put the word “Christian.” Yep. A Christian is someone for whom living the faith is more difficult than it is for other people.
A Christian will know the huge responsibility facing all believers. A Christian will know that perfection can never be reached here on earth but must be sought nonetheless. A Christian will know that the work is never complete. A Christian will strive to do as much as possible knowing that there is still much that is left undone.
The Christian does not lament a fall. Instead, the Christian gets up, seeks forgiveness, and tries again. The benchmark for a Christian may be high but the Christian will do everything possible to attain the benchmark.
Being a Christian may not be easy but, as they say, the benefits of being a Christian are out of this world!
FAITH ACTION: No matter how difficult it may be, do the best that you can to live the faith today.