“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.” ~ Henri Nouwen
We begin a wonderful season once again, the Holy Season of Advent. For many, Advent will be a waste of time because, commercially, Christmas is almost over and stores are already placing Valentine’s Day material on their shelves. We are in such a rush, rush world that we run the risk of failing to appreciate what is right here with us this very day, this very moment.
Advent is a season that challenges us to prepare. It calls us to consider the other-worldly. It reminds us that we are getting ready for something much more than just a worldly season. Christmas is much more than of the world. It is a day and a season that celebrates the two comings of Jesus Christ: His coming as a tiny infant in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago and the time when He will come again in His glory.
Acknowledging His first coming is the very first step in our preparation. To acknowledge Jesus’ birth is to focus on the fact that God became one of us and that He calls us to be something other than ourselves. We need to set aside our selfish goals and to focus upon the Kingdom which is to come.
Come, Lord. Do not delay. Help us to prepare for your return.
FAITH ACTION: Resolve to spend the season of Advent in joyful anticipation of He-Who-is-to-come.