“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” ~ Roy L. Smith
There is a certain time for Christmas. It happens each year on December 25. That, at least, is the calendar date for Christmas. However, if that day comes and Christmas is not in our hearts, it will be a hollow, empty day.
I know many people who long for Christmas. They spend weeks preparing for the day. They shop, they decorate, they bake, they send cards, and they hang the cards they receive. In short, they do everything possible to anticipate Christmas Day. Yet, when the day comes, they are miserable. All their preparation was external. Internally, they do not have peace or joy in their hearts.
Perhaps they harbored hurts. Perhaps they nursed ill will toward another. Perhaps they were only going through the motions but did not care about what Christmas was all about. Whatever the case, if they were not in the proper frame of mind, Christmas would merely have been another day rather than a celebration and a reality.
We are still celebrating Christmas as we continue its Octave. There is still a chance for you to get into the Christmas spirit if you somehow missed it a few days ago. God is always waiting for us. He will never leave us. If you do not feel the Christmas spirit, ask God to give you an extra amount of His grace so that you may find it.
We cannot give something that we do not possess. The Christmas season challenges us to be generous to others; but, it begins with us. Take the time that you need to pause and reflect upon Christmas so that you may find it in your heart and share it with others.
FAITH ACTION: Do what you can to recapture the feelings that Christmas brings and reflect upon them in your heart.