I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart
in the company and assembly of the just.
Great are the works of the Lord,
exquisite in all their delights. (Ps 111:1-2)
It is not exactly a new phenomenon; however, it seems to be gaining strength. That is, the sense of entitlement that so many people seem to bring to their faith.
So many people appear to act as if everyone, including God, owes them. If they want something, it must be done.
The biggest problem with the whole sense of entitlement is that it makes it impossible for us to be thankful. After all, why should we thank someone for something entitled to us? Instead of thanking, we should say, “Why didn’t I get this sooner?”
If entitlement diminishes thankfulness, it will most definitely bleed over into our spiritual lives. Many people approach God as if they are entitled to whatever it is they petition.
What we need to do, instead, is take account of all that God has done for us — beginning with the very first breath we drew this morning when we woke up — and for all that He promises us. Most especially, of course, is eternal life.
If we recount the good things that God has done for us and give Him thanks, it will be easier for us to recount the good things that others in our lives have done for us as well and give them thanks.
Thankfulness is always appreciated!
FAITH ACTION: Make your prayer time today — as much as possible — a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all that He has done for you.