“In all human affairs there are efforts and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result.” ~ James Allen
There are winners in life and there are losers in life and it usually comes down to whether or not a person is a quitter. If a person quits anything he or she begins when the going gets tough, that person will never be a winner. That person will never know the joy of ultimate achievement. That person will always live in regret.
Many times, as we find ourselves on a journey, we think that we have “given our all” only to realize that even more will be required of us before we finish. Again, the quitter will never realize the goal; but, the winner will add the extra effort, inherently knowing that the goal will be worth it, no matter how difficult it may be.
We have journeyed through five weeks of Lent. Just when many of us may find our energy flagging, we encounter the last few days. They are days packed with emotion and those days will demand more of us if we immerse ourselves in them as completely as we are able. Some dread Holy Week because the emotional cost is too high. Because of that, their resolve fizzles out and they quit.
It may be painful to reflect, on Palm Sunday, that we are part of the group that shouted “Crucify Him!” because of our sins. It might cause us considerable regret to identify with Judas on Holy Thursday, knowing that we often betray the Lord. Holy Thursday may also humiliate us realizing that we have to wash the feet of others by our service to them. Good Friday is extremely emotional as we come up individually to venerate a cross, the instrument of Jesus’ death.
But, does not all the suffering and sacrifice become worthwhile when we gather together on Easter and proclaim the resurrection of the Lord? This is the time to hold firm. This is the time to redouble the effort. This is the time to go in with eyes and hearts wide open. Do not let the energy, the intensity, or the emotion of Holy Week stop you from continuing your journey to Easter.
FAITH ACTION: Examine your Lenten resolutions. Even if it may take extra effort, is there some resolution you might increase or a resolution you might add to help enhance your journey through Holy Week to Easter?