Jesus said to his Apostles:
“As you go, make this proclamation:
‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
Cure the sick, raise the dead,
cleanse the lepers, drive out demons.
Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” (Mt 10:7-8)
God wants to see generosity from us. And not just a little; but, a lot.
Because He gave a lot.
As a matter of fact, He gave His all.
God gave us His only begotten Son so that we would have a way back to the Father.
His Son gave us His very life on the cross — and gives us regularly of His Body and Blood as nourishment for the journey — so that we would be free from sin and death.
With examples such as these, how can we give anything less than our very selves as well?
Jesus wanted His followers to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God. However, He did not want them to use mere words. He wanted them to use great deeds in His name.
He gave great gifts to the apostles freely and He wanted them to use those gifts just as freely.
God has given so much to you and to me.
He did not give them to us to hoard; but, to give to others.
FAITH ACTION: Whether it be your time, talent, or treasure, be generous in your giving today.