“Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.” ~ Mitch Albom
When the rubber meets the road
Walk the walk
Can’t say it if you don’t do it
These, and many other phrases, capture the thought of today’s quote: “Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how your believe.” I would venture to say, well, for that matter, Jesus said, that you cannot say that you believe if you do not act on your faith. If we say that we are believers but we do not act as Christians, we are proving ourselves to be liars and frauds. I would not want the Lord pointing at me at the end of my days and calling me either of those names.
Yet, there are many liars and frauds out there. There are people who claim to be men and women of the faith but who use their words for their own glory or power. They could care less about the plight of others around them. They care, instead, about their own worth, their own reputation, their own image.
They are the kinds of people that Jesus pretty regularly called hypocrites.
There are many challenges to our faith. One of the biggest challenges is to live a life consistent with our words. We cannot talk the talk if we are not willing to walk the walk. If we do not live up to the standards of our faith, we not only jeopardize ourselves, we have the potential of leading other innocent people astray. That would be a grave tragedy.
As we look to our day, let us evaluate the ways in which we can be faithful servants of our Lord and God. Being anything less than faithful just will not do.
FAITH ACTION: By your actions today, make it known to others that you are a believer.