We recognize, O LORD, our wickedness,
the guilt of our fathers;
that we have sinned against you.
For your name’s sake spurn us not,
disgrace not the throne of your glory;
remember your covenant with us, and break it not. (Jer 14:20-21)
If there is one thing that we should recognize, it is our sinfulness.
We are a people born into a sinful condition, raised in a world steeped in sin. There does not appear to be any getting around it.
However, Jesus Christ destroyed sin and death when he died and rose from the dead.
He broke the shackles that keep us bound to sin.
He has made us free people.
If we only choose.
I want to make sure that everyone got that last sentence; so, let me repeat, with a little emphasis:
God is faithful. He does not desire to see any one of us die and eternal death, any one of us to be lost forever. If we ask God for His aid, it is ours — immediately.
There is a way to navigate this sinful world: Jesus Christ.
Choose the Lord this day!
FAITH ACTION: We are living in a sinful condition. Take the time today to make a good examination of conscience. Ask yourself whether or not it is time to plan your next trip to the confessional.