The wicked said among themselves,
thinking not aright:
“Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us;
he sets himself against our doings,
Reproaches us for transgressions of the law
and charges us with violations of our training.” (Wis 1a,12)
If we are totally honest, yes, we would say, it IS obnoxious to be corrected, to be told that we are wrong, to be told that we must improve.
However, to make the decision to beset the good person or people?
That is what the wicked would do, as we hear in today’s first reading.
Rather than hear and heed the Word of God, they would rather rid themselves of the prophets who brought the Good Word to them.
I guess I should not have put that sentence in the past tense, should I have?
Because, we often beset those who give good example since we do not want to change.
But, the truth of the matter is that we all need to change. No matter how “good” we are, there is always room for improvement.
If we think that we do not need to change, we are already in deep trouble!
So, when we hear the call to change, let us heed it. When someone challenges us to grow, let us take up the challenge.
FAITH ACTION: We oftentimes shun the people who challenge us to grow. Today, find someone who has helped you grow and thank them for their role in your life.