“I turn coal into diamonds, sand into pearls, and caterpillars into butterflies. I can turn your life around, too.” ~ God
Do you remember what you were doing a few weeks ago? Let me give you a reminder. It had something to do with the end of the calendar year.
Every year, as we approach the New Year, we have a tradition of making New Year resolutions. Sadly, we also have a tradition of breaking them almost as fast as we make them. Nonetheless, for a while, we focus on our future. We ask ourselves what we need to do differently, what we need to quit doing, what we need to considering beginning, and a whole host of other things.
Then we set our resolutions down and the new year begins with the mindset of changing and/or improving. As I said, the problem is that our resolutions often do not last very long. We might wonder about why that is the case. I think I have the answer: we set out doing all of those things on our own.
If someone wanted to improve their health, for example, they may resolve to go to a local fitness center. They would have more of a chance for success if they did not do it on their own. If, instead, they solicited the help of a friend who agreed to accompany them to the fitness center, the resolution might last a lot longer.
When we set out to do things on our own, we have more of a chance to fail. When we set out to do things with the help of another, we have more of a chance to succeed.
You read the opening quote so you already know where I am going with this. Why do we so often set out to change ourselves without asking God to accompany us? He is, after all, the one who can turn coal into diamonds, sand into pearls, and caterpillars into butterflies. He is the one who can take away the pain of loss, the confusion of anxiety, and the isolation of fear.
When we decide to turn to the Lord and ask Him for His help and for His companionship, we do an immense good for ourselves because we realize that we do not have to do it alone.
FAITH ACTION: The year is still relatively fresh. If you had set resolutions for yourself that have gone by the wayside, you might want to consider beginning them once again. But this time, make sure to ask God to be with you as you resolve to change and/or improve. He is always more than willing to walk with us on our daily journeys.