“Every storm runs out of rain, just like every dark night turns into day.” – Gary Allan
This past Sunday, we heard the Gospel about the apostles in the boat with Jesus during a storm. They were frightened and Jesus was sound asleep. They woke Him up and Jesus rebuked the storm. He then rebuked the apostles for their lack of faith.
Jesus can calm any storm we can possibly whip up. The apostles certainly found that out. Oh, sure, they did not create the storm on the seas; but, they were present to witness the Lord calming the wind and the waves.
The storms in our own lives are more metaphorical. They take place because of the problems that we get ourselves into on a regular basis. They can feel as overwhelming as an actual storm on the sea. They rage and toss us about in the tempests of our lives.
Jesus is the Master of all storms. He can quiet the storms in our lives if we but allow Him to do so. The question is, are we willing to cry out to Him as the apostles did saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” Bring your troubles to Him in prayer and let Him calm your storms.
FAITH ACTION: Spending some quality time with Jesus in prayer today asking Him to calm the center of your soul.