Where can I go from your spirit?
From your presence where can I flee?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I sink to the nether world, you are present there. (Ps 139:7-8)
Augustine of Hippo was a very interesting man. His early life was filled with all that the world could possibly offer. He lived a very hedonistic lifestyle.
Meanwhile, his mother, St. Monica, was praying hard for his conversion.
Augustine felt the effect of his mother’s prayers and felt the call of God; yet, he resisted it as much as he could. Early in his life, he prayed to God for the grace that he would need to live a better life, just “not yet”.
He knew what God was calling him to do but he still would rather heed the call of the world.
Ah, but when God is calling, it is hard to ignore.
Before long, Augustine came to know the Lord and, when he did, he applied all of his energy to serving the Lord.
He became a bishop and was a prolific teacher and writer. His Confessions is still widely read to this day.
God calls us all. Are we going to heed his call or the call of this world?
FAITH ACTION: Pray for the graces that you need today to act upon the Lord’s will.