I acknowledge my offense,
and my sin is before me always:
“Against you only have I sinned,
and done what is evil in your sight.” (Ps 51:5-6ab)
Yesterday we reflected upon the fact that we are confronted by choices each day. Sometimes we choose well, sometimes we choose poorly.
There are times that we do not choose well. Instead of choosing the Lord, we choose to sin. Choosing poorly can lead us to ruin.
If we choose well, our actions will reflect our desires. We will be a people who care for others, who serve others, who save others from their distress. Our focus will be upon others rather than ourselves.
That is the sacrifice that the Lord wishes to see!
FAITH ACTION: We need to acknowledge the times in our lives that we sin and come to the Lord for reconciliation. Go to the Lord. He is always willing to forgive His penitent people.
Remember, today is a day of abstinence.