On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
Announces that the Lord is nigh;
Come, then, and hearken, for he brings
Glad tidings from the King of kings!
~ On Jordan’s Bank
Announcing. That is what John the Baptist was all about. He announced the coming of the Messiah. Jesus was all about announcing as well. He announced the coming of the Kingdom and the urgent need to be prepared. Advent is a call to all of us to be prepared for the coming of the Son of Man as we celebrate His birth and remind ourselves that He will come again.
We are called not only to prepare but to announce the good news of the Lord. We announce Jesus’ love by our care and concern for others. We announce Jesus’ mercy when we forgive those who hurt us just as we hope to be forgiven. We announce Jesus’ invitation to the Kingdom by sharing our faith with others and inviting them to journey with us.
Advent is, therefore, not just a passive season. It is a very active one. We pray, yes. We reflect upon God’s love, yes. But we also engage in doing the works of the Lord so that others may come to know and understand that they are being called to something greater than anything the world can promise or deliver.
Go out, then, and announce that the Lord is nigh.
FAITH ACTION: Plan quiet times this Advent so that you can pray and reflect. Plan, as well, to reach out to others so that they may know that they, too, are being called by Christ.