“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ~ Mother Teresa
Some people are under the mistaken assumption that as long as they make a financial donation to a worthy cause, they do not have to do anything else for others. They almost use the money that they give as an excuse to buy off any other responsibility to others.
While giving of money is an important way to help people in need, there are other ways to give as well. Mother Teresa reminded us that in whatever we give, we must put our hearts, our love, into our gift. Jesus commended the widow for giving her last coin. Mother Teresa would remind us that we have to give the last ounce of our energy and the last minute of our time if our giving is going to mean anything to God.
There is a huge difference between giving from our excess and giving our all. When we see someone in need, do we simply give them lip service? Do we give them just enough to buy off our own guilt for not doing more? Or, do we break our schedule and give of our time in order to find out what it is they truly need and help to supply it?
If we want to be true followers of Christ, we must do more than throw a little money at problems that need to be fixed. We need to give someone our time, our talent, and our treasure. Do not just give people a token, give them a piece of your very self.
FAITH ACTION: Give from your heart today. Whether it be a monetary or material donation or your time or talent, make sure that you put your entire self into your gift.