“Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.” ~ Martin Luther
As I glance at my calendar, I note something that I thought should be shared: this is “the time of year” for our deacons and priests to celebrate with particular joy the anniversaries of their ordination. I know, for myself, that I celebrated my ordination anniversary on May 28th. This past Sunday, Deacon Dave celebrated his anniversary, Fr. Jordan and Deacon Dan celebrated their anniversaries on Tuesday, and Deacons Joe and Napoleon and Fr. Rick Holy celebrated their anniversaries yesterday.
This coming Saturday, we will have several ordinations to the diaconate: nine to the permanent diaconate and one as a transitional deacon. He will be ordained a priest next year.
God calls many to serve as deacon or priest in His Church. Some respond to His call and we give thanks for their response because we need others to help guide us on the way to the Kingdom.
Being called to the diaconate or priesthood is not an easy life. Being a witness in this world can be extremely difficult. However, with the grace of God, as Luther noted, nothing is impossible.
God never calls His people to do something that they will not be able to accomplish. He always gives them the wherewithal to do the task requested of them.
FAITH ACTION: Kindly pray for the priests and deacons of our diocese as they celebrate their anniversaries of ordination. Ask God to give them the continued grace that they need to serve His people with faithfulness and love.