“Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.” ~ Mary McLeod Bethune
There are people who convince themselves that nothing is possible. They long for things they never receive. They long to do things that never come about. They invest themselves into the promises of the world and find, time and time again, that they fall short. Why is that?
They put their “faith” in the wrong thing.
Faith is a word that is often bandied about. So much so that there are many who do not understand the definition of faith. Faith is first and foremost spiritually based. If people state that they have “faith” in the world, that is not really faith. They might mean confidence. They might mean hope. They might mean longing or desire. But faith? Faith belongs to the spiritual realm. Faith belongs with God.
There have been people throughout the ages who faced all sorts of difficulties and even horrors. But their faith in God helped them to overcome those difficulties even if, in the eyes of the world, they might be considered lost. Maximilian Kolbe was a sainted man. He was in Auschwitz because he was a priest and, thus, an enemy of the state.
Kolbe had faith in God. His faith informed him that God was real and that God wanted him to care for all people. Kolbe volunteered to die in the stead of another prisoner who had been selected to be starved to death as a consequence of an escape. Kolbe knew that God would protect him. He had faith that God’s designs were greater than the commandant’s.
Kolbe led the other nine prisoners in the starvation bunker to their deaths. He prayed with them, sang with them, and encouraged them. He let them know that God would take them to Himself. After the nine died, Kolbe courageously held out his arm for an injection of carbolic acid because the commandant needed the bunker for more prisoners to be put to death.
Faith made everything possible for Kolbe. It helped him clarify that the future is not something based here on earth. It is something awaiting us in heaven and in order to get there, we need to put our trust in God. God makes all things possible. Because of Kolbe’s sacrifice, many turned to the Lord. Many were comforted. Many were reminded of God’s great love.
We are not in concentration camps. Our lives might not be required of us this day. But if they were, would we be willing to trust ultimately in God? Is our faith strong enough to guide us past the snares and pitfalls of this world?
FAITH ACTION: Pray that God increase your faith in Him today. Be confident that He hears your prayer.